boginka's blog

Goals of this webpage

September 16, 2024

The goal of this webpage is to encourage myself to care more about reaching out and learning in my free time. I feel lost lately with having no passions and want to find something that makes me excited to work on. I hope that I can find a side project that I can work on and document here.

Some ideas I have are:

But none of them really stand out to me. I created a Roblox game before and spent a lot of energy into it and nothing came out of it so it's a bit discouraging to get back into it.

I also want to be able to use this platform as a way to learn while searching for an idea. I think quantum computing is something that would peak my interest; however, I must first build up foundational knowledge of computing so that Mr. Alan Turing's machine will be my first step into understanding computing.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming to have to pick one thing to be a master of. It frustrates me that my mind does not have enough capacity to do it all. It also frustrates me how little time I feel like I have to learn. It frustrates me that there are other things that I must do besides learning like exercising, hygiene, eating, socializing, etc. I yearn to spend some time in solitude exploring knowledge. To rot away physically while my mind flourishes. I hope that when I die I can keep my brain operational so I can have this time.